From 6 to 200 MPH

Sunday, August 28, 2011

2011 Long Beach Marathon Training Update

Since I started my training last June 13, I have ran a total of  263 miles.  Raced in two 10K events and one Half Marathon.

As suggested by a blogger friend, my training is focused on distance and not on speed,  and to build up my endurance beyond 20 miles.  My progress is slow,  but I am happy as no need of recovery.  I was able to run a day after the long run. So far,  the farthest I ran was 18 miles at 3:11:57.

Last year, I trained at the Long Beach Marathon route (Beach front) but this year, training is mostly on the San Gabriel River Bike Path, home toward the the Ocean  and  home toward the San Gabriel Mountain . The San Gabriel bike path is more challenging than the LBM route because the path goes under bridges and freeways every mile. Also, the path follow the grading of the river bed( gradual decline toward the ocean and incline toward the mountain.. The real challenged, though, come from the peloton of cyclists. Have to watch for them. It's 20 to 30 feet down the river bed.

Goal -- Finish the race without bonking.

San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
July 31, 2011

San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
July 31, 2011


  1. Good luck on the Long Beach 26.2 my friend...Until yesterday, I was considering to run Long Beach but settled for the Portland Marathon instead on the same date...Cheers!

  2. Thanks SR! Congrats on your 3 marathons in 21 days. You are on FIRE!!!!

  3. Good to know that your training is going well, sir. You are a very strong runner, so I don't think there will be any boinking come marathon day. Keep on enjoying the runs!

  4. Ace that training Arthur! A very good sign you could run the day after the 18...on to 20+!

    The great thing about long run endurance gains is they don't fade that quickly. (unlike speedwork).

    Wish I was going to be there this year, but running CIM (Sacramento) Dec 5th.

  5. @Julius ___ Thanks! Hitting the wall make us runners appreciate the challenge & important of training, hydration and patience. No short cut for great and strong finish. Good luck!

  6. @Paul ____ Thanks, Paul! Your are an awesome teacher and I think, I am a good student.

    Good luck to your next race. Will the mother of all races in California, BIG SUR, be in your schedule next year?
