From 6 to 200 MPH

Monday, June 13, 2011

Long Beach Marathon - Training

Today's run is the start of my 2nd full marathon training.  My goal is to run the 26.2 miles without bonking/stopping/walking.  

My training program will be:
            a. Pace range of 10:30 to 12 minute per miles.
            b. 2 - 15 miles run at 10:30 pace
            c. 2 - 18 miles run at 10:45 pace
            d. 1 - 20 miles run at 11:00 pace
            e. 1 - 26 miles run at 12:00 pace (September 11)

           Distance:  12 miles
           Time:        2:03:26
            Pace:       10:17

Long Beach Marathon
October 9, 2011

Long Beach Marathon
October 2010
Time: 4:42:49


  1. Hi Arther,

    From my experiences the more runs you have 20 and above, the better. Pace is not important..too fast and your recovery is as bad as a marathon!...but slow time-on-your-feet is what you need to teach your legs how to metabolize fat.

    Sorry I won't be there at Long beach this year..I'll be at my nieces wedding. It's a nice course.

  2. Thanks, Paul! Up till last week my training was based on how fast I will run the events. Though my finish times were good, on several occasions, I felt like collapsing at the finish line.

    Have to change my training schedule/goals to extend my running days.

  3. Well, you kick ass (even ignoring your age) in the half marathon. I think that shows you have great potential in the marathon too.

    Like you, my marathon times are much slower than my half time would suggest from the calculators...and I've been trying to figure out why.

    Im coming to think the answer is that you just need a lot of long runs under your belt...each one makes you have more endurance.

    Once you have the endurance, THEN you can speed up.

    If you try to do long runs (16+) by running longer and longer at your target race pace, you'll be able to run fast sub-20 milers but fade badly after ...because you haven't ever stimulated the fat burning enough. At those fast paces you stay glycogen burning...which can take you 20..but not 26.

    Anyway, what do I know? I'm talking like an expert. We are all experiments of one. The marathon is a tough distance to exceed at..which makes it more fun!

    Happy training!

  4. Thanks Paul. I appreciate your input on my training. Will update it to include more 20+ miles LSD
